Wednesday, October 1, 2008

SPECIAL A ROCKS !!!!! - lots of spoiler !!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i finished Special A !!!! OMG !! soooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice ! (>0<)/ keiXhikari and all the other ppl !!!! the 'dark' Jun and megumi's singing ~!!! ahh.... now that i have finished it ... i feel kinda sad ..... well... a pity that ryuu have no one to go with ... gosh ... i totally dun regret that i bought the manga .... i am sooooo gonna watch it again during the holidays ! oh did you realised that there is a ' beat takishima ' paper on her wall ? i mean hikari ... so funny ! oh the part when she ran for the plane was super sad ... and the part where yahiro told megumi to sing that part was soooooooooo nice ... wah ... ~!!!! i feel like melting .... megumi sounded so cute ... oh yeah when they were about to ki** ..... stupid tadashi lah .... rode yahiro's bike and said : i borrowed your bike ! .... haha... but yahiro responded very funny-ly : can't you be aware of your surrounding ?!! gosh .... why does tadashi always spoils the romantic moments .... first is when hikari almost confessed to kei then now yahiro and megumi .... sooooo irritating !!! but still ..... gosh .... feel so sad lah .... *sob*

well.. dun worry man ~! i still got the manga !!!! hahaha !!! things like that happen ... first is La Corda D'oro then Ouran now S.A. .... well ... oh oh the part when kei told hikari that she probably like him her expression was priceless man ..... super duper funny !it was like ' duh....' *sigh* but now more romance anime to watch liao lah .... so sad.... please give me some anime to watch leh ... must have romance , about school life and comedy okay !!!!!!!!????? AHHHH~~!!! i am still gushing ~~!!!!!!!!! dunno how am i going to read my manga later .... dunno how an i going to sleep later .... oh yeah ... aiya .. if only i could screenshot the evil jun ... although he is so called evil but very cool leh .... that pose with all the red roses as the background is soooooooo suai ~!! lols .... haha ... then the part where hikari and kei suddenly hang in the air and ki** ... lols... it was as though the world around them's time stopped just for them .... gosh .. still got flower petal ... wow .... sooooooo nice .... ahh ... *gush and gushing all the way .... * okay taht's all ... my dad short charge me today of my allowance lah ..... $40 leh .... nvm lah ... just STARVE at school lor .... ( hope he sees this ) lols .... okay see you ~!! Special A rocks !!!~~!!!!! (-,.,-)" *old gramps*

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