Friday, October 3, 2008

SJAB today ~!!!! oh i love sjab !!!!

yay ! finally st john today ! so long since the last st john ... i missed it
! lols... haha ....
today we had first aid team selection and i think that i totally died for that .... i didn't do very well for drill .... home nursing and first aid ... i am not GENTLE enough to my casuality .... i was like : aiya ... i also feel the same pain as u lah ... dun worry lah ... okay okay .. i know very painful but just tolerate lah ... then i bandage bandage ..... -.-" sooooo not gently and my senior that is the casuality was like : very pain ... (X10 times lor ! ) then when i ask her whether is it painful , she said : no feeling leh .... the later she scream again : very pain ... very pain .... obviously is playing with me lah ! ... -.-" again .... then erm .... what .... for nursing home training ... some senior again is acting as a girl who is sick and then like ... i was supposed to feed her lah .... then i feed feed feed until the last part ... i forgot to wipe her mouth ..... (lol) okay .. then my other senior pointed it out to me . i was like : oh my .....
k ... enough of that ... oh we learnt CPR today ....and hong yu was like : ahh !!!! my first kiss !!! and i was like -.-" . ok ... CPR was like super hard ... alot to mmorise leh .... dunno what A.B.C. ... airway .... breathing and circulation ... then got counting ... ... yeah .... then we learn how to transport the casuality .... and must bring $5 next week cause i might get pomotion ... ... then erm .... get one arrow ..... then must study first aids ... got first aid test the week after next .... then got all the programme inlined for us ... oh then on the 16 of oct got *** education ... so sad ... it fell in one of my classmate's birthday ... then my partner was like : bring her bf along lah ...then i was laughing my head off .... lols .... but st john was enjoyable today .... so happie ... can see seniors and yearmates again .... do the salutes ( how to spell ? )ai .... brings back memories man ....

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