Tuesday, October 21, 2008

bored ...

La Corda D'oro book 10 cover !hi hi ! sorry . i know that there are lots of spelling error from the previous post but who cares ! so as long as u know what am i talking about right ? haha ... so bored now ... waiting for anime to load ... haha ... oh today , i did drill and practised first aid with my yearmates(is the word supposed to join or wad ?) ... yeah ... quite fun .. but ... perspire alot ... haha ... but sooooo fun ... learnt alot of stuff . oh yeah ... u noe the jap course i am taking ? its so irritating ... after one course , i still need to continue for another one ... cheating my money . So now , i must save $190 for the next course ... sickening ... like i got so much allowance . they still dared to say that it is a reasonable price . Oh , i am getting spectacles ... sigh ... specs makes ppl ugly . so i hate it ... what if the shop dosen't sell nice designs ? then i will just have to buy the ugly ones ... full-framed ones ... FULL-FRAMES!! so tut . then , i must get plastic frames ... which turns yellow ... gross . I will be having drill again tomorrow . Sigh ... still can't do keblakan( how do u spell it ?) need help here !! well ... yeah so that's all ... although the anime is still loading but i can still watch my Korean drama ... Princess Hours ! It is so funny ! oh then yesterday , we had this talk about telephone manners . then teacher showed us this video about miscommunication . it is a youtube video entitled : hu is the president of china . i think you should watch it and the other one is i think : ken lee ... try it okay ? i think that it is hilarious . okay so we are done . see you next time okay ? bye bye !

Friday, October 17, 2008

The day where i cried because of SJAB

HI !not that i cried like the picture above but ... okay ... i really cried today lah(although it is only 1 drop of tear .. ) ... well ... here is the story : there was St john today but because i lost my CPR notes , i need to follow my St john yearmate to her house to photocopy . Then as we headed back to school , and when we are in the canteen , i realised that my burret is missing . Okay ... so i like rushed to find it .. well ... because i was wearing boots and that the floor is wet . I fell and landed on my knees . I didn't feel the pain at first because i was so scared that i might get into trouble and never ever wear my Full-u until i got another burret ... hey .. i just got my lance corporal okay .. i wan to show off .... so yeah ... i was like so scared that i sorta cried lah ... but not because of the wound . okay then finally .. we found my burret ... it was on the road . OMG ! i wan to jump off the building okay . i actually dropped my burret . it is as though stepping on the st john flag okay . so yeah ... we found the burret and then went back to school and i was like bleeding like mad ... like really bleeding .... haha ... because of the abration wound . Well ... all thanks to my first aid book . I know that my wound is a abration wound and it is highly infectious . okay so my yearmate was like : hey u okay a not ? u r bleeding like .. alot leh ... stop lah ... Wah ... so touched .. so then later , we went to the toilet to wash my wound but then , the level 1 toliet is washing so ... we had to go to level 2 . Then , the level 2 toilet is ALSO cleaning sooooo .... we finally found a toilet that isn't washing or cleaning and that is level 3 . Okay .... that was like .... PAIN ! okay . then when we wash the wound , yeah quite pain lah ... Then , we went down to the general office to take plaster ... but then when we stick the plaster ... after a while , the plaster fell off .... well .. because that my knee was wet ... yeah then i had to run and do drill .... and then ... when we stand in attention or whenever we need to lift our legs 90 degree , wah ... my skirt was like ... putting friction on my wound lah ... then the best thing :punishment . I didn't bring my name tag so must spuat-stand ... okay fine i did 5 ... then later , senior said that i wasn't loud enough so i had to do another time ... okay that was pain okay . yeah then that's when i cried a little lah ... so now i put grauze and anticeptic on the wound lor .... oh yeah ... we did heritage badge work today ! so . yeah i managed to completed it . so now ... got first-aid exam coming up ... so please wish me luck ! oh oh ! yesterday we did lots of punishment as well ... like twinkle and jumping jack ... ( haha ... quite crazy to say but it is fun .. ) . going to start one anime called Kaze No Stigma . haha ... although i am still new with Shakugan no shana . But i think that i will like it . soooo bye !

Monday, October 13, 2008

Past , Present and Future

Hi ! soooo long since i posted something ..... Missed you ! haha .. look at the new photos i have ... ahh .... aiya .. if only i can change my blog skin ... i am trying okay ?stupid blogger lah .... say dunno wad invalid code .... irritating ... ahh... tomorrow is founder's day ! yay ! OMEDETOO ! ah... so many things have happened to me .. and many things are going to crash on me any time ... *sigh* first .. i didn't get into first aid team ... and i got REALLY depressed when i realised what i did SOOOOOO WRONGLY during the first aid team selection and i got really depressed .... so depressed that i don't even have the courage to types all this up until i realised that it may not be a bad thing after all ... here are my mistakes : 1) for home nursing , i was supposed to take care of a sick girl ... okay ... so i need to feed her and the after i fed her , i forgot to wi[e her mouth .... i was not gentle ... i was STUPID ... okay next . Drill . okay .. i was sooooo nervous that i did something that totally crashed my dreams .. i stand in attention with my RIGHT leg . okay i know ... i am a idiot . okay that was the killer one . Last component : First aid . Okay ... i think i got all the 7 types of wound all correct ... except the spellings though ... not really sure about that .... then after that , i need to bandage the casuality , which is my senior . okay once again , i am not GENTLE enough ..... next , i didn't ask where was her injury and just immediately bandaged the elevation sling because she was in the "elevation sling" position . okay tyo respond to this u can call me a 'bakka' once at the tag board . well ... good thing for St John was that i got a promotion . YAY !! Finally ! Lance Corporal ! okay .... still got first aid exam ... although i am really not in the mood to study now because of what happened .... well .... nvm ... OKAY !!! LETS FORGET ABOUT ALL THIS AND TALK ABOUT ANIME !!!!!!!!! AHHH !!!!! i watched a new anime called Itazura Na Kiss and then Shakugan No Shana. OMG ... they rocked the world can.... oh oh .... still got Vampire Knight Guilty . AHHH! sooo nice .... so sad ... i am finishing Itazura Na Kiss leh .... But very sad leh .. the author died and then the manga was never completed ... i think she died of a accident that happened when she moved house . well ... she apparently hit her head on a marble table and fell into coma ... then died three weeks later ....died of Cerebral hemorrhage .... so sad .... *sigh* and guess what , she was only 38 . kkk never mind about that .... oh i think i saw him again today ... well ... he is some guy from Yuying ... kept meting him on mondays on the same bus ... wear Rolex watch ... wah .... somemore stop the same stop as me .... ( the last one as well !) .... sigh sigh .... gosh why am i writing about him huh ??? ...... kk i think i write enough and shoulh improve on my new skin if possible .....kk today is Getsuyobi ! remember ! bye .. okay .. that was rather extra ....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bloody Kiss + Fall In Love Like A Comic (spoilers)

Oh gosh .. i read a new manga today so as to divert my attention to ..... well ... i am finishing Special A manga .... *WAHH!!* so now i am trying to find some other manga to read ..... i also read D.gray-man today . OMG !! Cross Marian Died ! believe it or not ... that general died . And that can u believe someoneactually fell for Kanda ? ( although that part was not very lasting ... she just said that he is suai that's all .... ) yeah ... so now .... yeah lah .... D.gray-man is QUITE exciting for me ... although there is no romance in the story becuse it is a shounen manga ..... Let's talk about Bloody Kiss now ! well .. i think that it kinda rocks . I like the story line and the male and female characters are incredibly beautifully drawn ( in my point of view ) . lols ... but after finishing the series ( only 6 chapters) i still can't remember the names of the characters .... haha ... because when i was reading it ... my mind is kinda blank . Lols ... but i hope it publishes in singapore though ( i think it did ... i THINK i saw it somewhere ..... GOTTA FIND IT !!!! ) lols .... and there is only 2 books for the manga and no anime .... why ??? NO ANIME ??!!! and i was still looking forward to it ..... *sigh* now i dun watch anime because the computer i am using now has some problems in loading and that my laptop has parental control in it ... so ... kinda can't be bothered to watch . but now what ?? i am running out of manga to read ... even the ones i have with me ... i need to re-read them .... i wanna go out to buy manga !!! but still .. i think that Bloody Kiss kinda rock though ... quite nice and quite enjoyable .oh oh ... i also read a manga called "Fall In Love Like A Comic" . The story line is very nice and i think it also kinda rocked ... well .... i haven't finished but the story is about this junior high girl being a manga artist and 'confessed' to this guy because she wanted her shoujo manga to have more emotional about relationships (that's why she got into this 'relationship') but late she found out that she is beginning to fall in love with this guy lah .... well ... only got one volume .... oh if you got any manga to recommend me ... please tag .By the way .. today .. while i was reading manga , Ji Hee suddenly asked me to help her write invitation for her Art Club party ..... *sigh* i did it for free ... am i an idiot or something ? i sooooo dunno .oh yeah ... wish me luck in getting in the first aid team and get a promotion ! Thank you and have a great day ! Good luck in your E.O.Y. results too !

Friday, October 3, 2008

SJAB today ~!!!! oh i love sjab !!!!

yay ! finally st john today ! so long since the last st john ... i missed it
! lols... haha ....
today we had first aid team selection and i think that i totally died for that .... i didn't do very well for drill .... home nursing and first aid ... i am not GENTLE enough to my casuality .... i was like : aiya ... i also feel the same pain as u lah ... dun worry lah ... okay okay .. i know very painful but just tolerate lah ... then i bandage bandage ..... -.-" sooooo not gently and my senior that is the casuality was like : very pain ... (X10 times lor ! ) then when i ask her whether is it painful , she said : no feeling leh .... the later she scream again : very pain ... very pain .... obviously is playing with me lah ! ... -.-" again .... then erm .... what .... for nursing home training ... some senior again is acting as a girl who is sick and then like ... i was supposed to feed her lah .... then i feed feed feed until the last part ... i forgot to wipe her mouth ..... (lol) okay .. then my other senior pointed it out to me . i was like : oh my .....
k ... enough of that ... oh we learnt CPR today ....and hong yu was like : ahh !!!! my first kiss !!! and i was like -.-" . ok ... CPR was like super hard ... alot to mmorise leh .... dunno what A.B.C. ... airway .... breathing and circulation ... then got counting ... ... yeah .... then we learn how to transport the casuality .... and must bring $5 next week cause i might get pomotion ... ... then erm .... get one arrow ..... then must study first aids ... got first aid test the week after next .... then got all the programme inlined for us ... oh then on the 16 of oct got *** education ... so sad ... it fell in one of my classmate's birthday ... then my partner was like : bring her bf along lah ...then i was laughing my head off .... lols .... but st john was enjoyable today .... so happie ... can see seniors and yearmates again .... do the salutes ( how to spell ? )ai .... brings back memories man ....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

SPECIAL A ROCKS !!!!! - lots of spoiler !!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i finished Special A !!!! OMG !! soooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice ! (>0<)/ keiXhikari and all the other ppl !!!! the 'dark' Jun and megumi's singing ~!!! ahh.... now that i have finished it ... i feel kinda sad ..... well... a pity that ryuu have no one to go with ... gosh ... i totally dun regret that i bought the manga .... i am sooooo gonna watch it again during the holidays ! oh did you realised that there is a ' beat takishima ' paper on her wall ? i mean hikari ... so funny ! oh the part when she ran for the plane was super sad ... and the part where yahiro told megumi to sing that part was soooooooooo nice ... wah ... ~!!!! i feel like melting .... megumi sounded so cute ... oh yeah when they were about to ki** ..... stupid tadashi lah .... rode yahiro's bike and said : i borrowed your bike ! .... haha... but yahiro responded very funny-ly : can't you be aware of your surrounding ?!! gosh .... why does tadashi always spoils the romantic moments .... first is when hikari almost confessed to kei then now yahiro and megumi .... sooooo irritating !!! but still ..... gosh .... feel so sad lah .... *sob*

well.. dun worry man ~! i still got the manga !!!! hahaha !!! things like that happen ... first is La Corda D'oro then Ouran now S.A. .... well ... oh oh the part when kei told hikari that she probably like him her expression was priceless man ..... super duper funny !it was like ' duh....' *sigh* but now ...no more romance anime to watch liao lah .... so sad.... please give me some anime to watch leh ... must have romance , about school life and comedy okay !!!!!!!!????? AHHHH~~!!! i am still gushing ~~!!!!!!!!! dunno how am i going to read my manga later .... dunno how an i going to sleep later .... oh yeah ... aiya .. if only i could screenshot the evil jun ... although he is so called evil but very cool leh .... that pose with all the red roses as the background is soooooooo suai ~!! lols .... haha ... then the part where hikari and kei suddenly hang in the air and ki** ... lols... it was as though the world around them's time stopped just for them .... gosh .. still got flower petal ... wow .... sooooooo nice .... ahh ... *gush and gushing all the way .... * okay taht's all ... my dad short charge me today of my allowance lah ..... $40 leh .... nvm lah ... just STARVE at school lor .... ( hope he sees this ) lols .... okay see you ~!! Special A rocks !!!~~!!!!! (-,.,-)" *old gramps*