Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What a Twist !

Look at those avatars which i made !!! Soo cute aren't they ?! Anyway ... ehem ...haha ... Today was so funny . Tell you something . sheryl and i erm... Qurelled and then she decided not to talk to me anymore and she was looking soo glum and i don't even dared to talk to her but today , she spoke and i guess that we went back to normal . ok here is what happened . Today , during Project Work ....
Sheryl opened her Spectacle Case and revealed a pair of earrings , A pair of glasses and one red thread which a gave her for the geography test on April and the thread is red . So .. when she opened the case , i said : 那个红线在里面做什么?你要牵红线啊? and she replied : 还不是你给的~!then i was like : 哦!你说话了!pointing at her and we started laughing ... haha... soo funny right ? Today in the bus was even worse . Ok .. we got up the bus and started finding seats and we took the ones at the far ends . So .. she sat first , at the side and i sat in the middle . Infront of me is a clear passage for passengers to get down the bus . So , i said : 等一下那个bus停了,我可能会roll , roll , roll 到前面。And sheryl was like : Yeah lor , later you fly out of the bus then your whole body shape is on the bus windscreen . and once again .. we bursted out laughing . Later , sheryl said : eh eh .. remember ... north-east direction ~ ( well you see , there is a teenage boy at my north east direction) . I pointed outside the bus and said : You mean the condominum in my North-east direction ? (-_-) .. i know .. it was very 'cold' . And then , we stop a stop earlier to walk to the MRT station .. well ... to chat . yeah ...and we walked passed a funeral . So i said with my hands clapped together : 不要找我,不是我要来这里的,是我旁边的人提议的 。。。 i said pointing at sheryl amd she was like : OEY . haha.. today was funny .....then in the evening , sheryl called me and told me my role in the story and the main idea of the script . Once again , Sheryl and i are the main characters .... Okay let me tell you the script ... first , sheryl will propose to me and blah blah blah .. then 'kiss' me on the cheek and all then the i will start counting the flowers saying : whyy is there only 44 flowers why cannot be 99? and she will say : Because government say cannot pull too much flowers mah ... and then ( will continue as a dialogue below )
me : You mean you didn't buy the flowers ?!
Sheryl : No No No ! Say wrongly .......
then .. Yi Hua will show something that says rewind ( on how sheryl got the flowers )
Lim Wei : Will you marry me ?
Diana : * Blah blah blah .. then reject lim wei and throw the flowers to the floor )
Sheryl : * bought the ring but forgot the flowers so .. 'he' will take the flower that is on the floor*

er.... then i don't know the ending yet .. not too sure of it ... >.< .....Nvm ... today .. my ma ma ....went bizzare and all .... yeah ... need to go to bed ... good night .

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