Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hey ya !

Hi ! The above is a picture which i drew in 'Paint' . Nice huh ? It is my identity to get in to Cross Academy ! haha .. in . It is a club for you to 'get into' cross academy and you can make out your identity . Here is mine :
Name : Tamura Kamiko
Age : 16 ( in vampire years)
Social Class : Noble
Class : Night Class
Crush : Takuma Ichijou
Hobby : Plaing a musical Instrument , Drawing ichijou's face on my books , reading mangas and sleep .
It is soo fun ! Ohh .. if only our world is the 'Vampire knight' world .. but there will be Vampires ... I think that those who is dreamy and read the Vampire Knight manga should join this club ...... Anyway , Not much things have happened to me so far but time sure flies ! Tomorrow is school re-open and from that day on , i will need to pull up my socks ! When my friends came to my house , i was sooo excited because that is the first time my friends came to my house and went into my room ! The room was so lively then ! But when they left , the room was so lonley and quiet that i can't adapt until a minute or so . Ah well .. we even climbed out to the 'Balcony' and it was soo nice . I used to climb there alone but now , at lease someone accompanied me there . Oh.. how i wished that we can stay in the school then we can talk through the night ! I wonder if we can stay in the school when we are in Junior College ... Hmm.. should i go to ACJC or NJC ? But i think my cousin will go to ACJC ... well lets see then . By the way , i visited my grandfather who is currently staying in the hospital ... Did an eye operation .. but is currently still doing well . Oh yeah i learnt some chinese phrases when i watched a korean drama , 1%的可能性。 here are the phrases : 混球 , 气得跳脚 ,磨拳擦掌 。
Then i learn this sentence after i read a manga : to protect the class's reputation and school's moral environment .
wow .. so chim ...haha .... well... got to go ...bye bye ..

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