Sunday, June 1, 2008


hello people ! Long time no see ... type or rather ... anyway , this semester's results were horrible . I can't believe I got so much worse that the first Term !!! But since it is the holidays , i have been catching animes as well as homework but i am more of hibernating having to sleep the whole day . I have been watching an anime Called " Vampire Knight " and it rocks ! I was thinking of buying the Manga when a bad news strike . THEY ARE ALL SOLD OUT !!! I can't believe it ! I guess that i will need to wait for them to re-print ... Do you know that i managed to make a house of 2 level with my mangas ?? Isn't it wonderful ? Although it is a pity that i have to destroy it with my own hands ... My friends : Lim Wei , Yi Hua , Sheryl and Ji Hee are coming over to my house for a History project ! I am so excited ! I never had friends over to my house before ! ( Just that it is my grandmother house ) ... My parents never allowed people to go to our house .... they are coming on the 9th of june but don't worry . I will tell you people what happened on that day ^^ ... I hope i can take picture of Sheryl thought .. Since she didn't take photo with us during Pets Day ... I am so dissapointed ... such a mood spoiler ! ( Although i guess that the pictures that i take will be secrectly taken ... ) Anyway ... Let's talk about Vampire Knight now . You know , i really want Zero with Yuuki because i just feel that way . I mean ... it is just the feeling you have about who you want to go with who in animes . You can see some cute and loving pictures later ^ up there .. not sure what to pick but just enjoy them anyway .Okay thats all for now ! Take Care !

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