Sunday, July 27, 2008


Yay ! New avatars which i made !! hurry ! ( erm....) haha.. well lots and lots of stuff happened and i am gonna tell you what happened yesterday ! ok ... erm .. i had St John yesterday (yeah .. when it is saturday because of secondary one erm...aiya... to make you a real St John cadet lah ..) yeah .. and we did drill and all ( Including other cadets from other school of zone 4 ) . okay ... lots of funny thing happened and example like when i am supposed to call 'sir' i call him ' mdm' haha .. but no one heard me ... hey i am used to call ' mdm' okay .. then yeah we did drill and then the mdm that was in charge of us ( dunno who she is ) she made us march row by row and i was the last row the last to march ... then erm.. crystal from the first row was marching and something funneh happened ... infront of their row .. was another row of people marching and directly infront of her was this guy ... so they are marching and i was thinking ... if they didn't stop ...... they would have .... kissed ~!!!hahaha !!!!!damn friggin' funneh right ??!!!! ( sorry ... not my usual self today ) haha !!! i was practically laughing my head off !!! okay .. now .. i will name the funny things that happened to me by numbers like funny thing number 2 ... u know something like that ... okay ....

funny thing number 2 : erm... let me think ... ok . we were marching at the parade square and yeah i was marching then ... there again is this boy who is marching infront off me and erm... we saw each other and were laughing lor !! funneh leh !!! haha .... trying to suppress my laughter ... next thing ..

funny thing number 3 : Ok .. we were told to assemble at the erm... like a sheltered path and then the sir told us to squeeze then he said this : don't worry .. if the guys molest the girls , the girls will tell me .. but if the girls molest the guys then .. erm... i dunno what to do liao ... hahahahahahaha !!!!!! like Hel* we will molest them lah !

funny thing number 4 : okay .. after the molesting thingy , we were told to stad up in lines of 3 and then he told us to call our numbers and i am number 4 butwhen it is my turn i said '1' erm.. damn embarrasign lah ! then the sir was like starring at me and he said " 4 ! " in a joking and trying to laugh way ... hey but clarince mdm usually want us to say in this manner lor : 123 , 123 ....
so yeah .. and thee sir was damn 帅lor ! haha ... ok erm when we were told to gather for the last time , i was like in the first row and very near that sir lah and the infront of me was this group if boys and one of them were like keep lookin' at me erm.. yeah ... maybe cause i was looking at him too hey but who told him to look at me !!!! erm... nothin' much to say sooo bye lor ! but really lots of stuff happened but you don't expect me to continue right ?
haha.. bye bye !

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