Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Yo! ( sorry , not in good mood , Pardon my rudeness)

This is a personal thing . Ppl above 18 are not to read or i will block you from my blog ( Except if this is your first time reading ). Hihi ! happy CNY ! Sorry for not updating ~ . CNY was boring . Just get Money and pissed off . Ate a bomb , Went to uncle Ro***'s nouse , Played monoploy with K****** and K***** . Went home and snoozed away . TOday : Pissed off with parents for making me join Hip Hop . Giving all e rubbish , saying that i was influenced by anime Ex: Arrow get into my butt . Said F*** twice . Not really ... ... just typed it out . J* H** and N***** talked about Some Korean guy called Jun Pyo(?) dunno how to spell . Keep talking about Boys over flowers ( Them , not me ) . Did geography hw , history hw , home ec hw . Brother just pissed me off with his big mouth . That Commanding , fastidious person kept screaming and screaming like a gay in my granmother house ( Although he can really talk like a uncivilised person ). Aunt just got me a ipod . -

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