Friday, January 9, 2009

I AM STILL ALIVE ! ( to even write this post .)

ah yeah . so i wrote this post to prove that i am alive . Yeah well after the incident TODAY when i went ' missing ' . But through the incident , i can feel that people are concerned about me . Erm ... .. about the incident , will tell you the details if you wanna know and that how today is my so far worst Friday ( well not really ... ... but really embarrassing though . Well erm ... ... AIYA !!! Got punished by SJAB SENIORS ! cause i forgot to take out my watch . which is like i deserved it lah but . I was like shouting : PERMISSION TO GET UP MDM !!! shouted like ... ... ... ... 5 times ?? and that MDM took me like i was an idiot .she just left me shouting there ... ... ... .. until NICE ***** mdm told me to get up ( well ... ... dunno what ~ happened so dun really know who is the bad guy so yeah ... ... its just in my perspective .) so yeah ... ... the rest was that *lost* incident . okay about the lost incident . Since young i had always had this feeling of whenever i feel odd about not doing something , SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN IF I DUN DO THAT THING !!! ( should be kinda normal) yeah so i got out of the toilet at 7 and walked home having that feeling when i didn't call and as expected , lots of things happened ~ and the incident spreaded to ... ... 2-1 and 2-6 ( not excluding to my class ). hope that it wouldn't be a big thingy on Monday though . but i do admit that it was quite dangerous and irresponsible of me . First , not telling family that i am going home late and walking on a deserted street at night . Although i think only less that 10 people know about this . but yeah thanks for your concerns anyway , i really appreciated it . One last time : sorry for the trouble i cause you and THANK YOU .

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