Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Stressed up ....>.< ~♫

Hello ... See ? this is my favourite scene of La Corda D'oro book 8 !!! ... now i need to rush this post because i still need to do lots of stuff .... like .. filing my things and all... I am so sad that i lost my sketchbook today ... >.< It was my first sketchbook ! I am going to find it tomorrow in school because i don't remember bringing it out of school compound . Later , i am going to another blog .. You wanna the url ? But i don't think i should give you because this is a GB blog . Now , i am not bothered by Dminor romance so ... i guess it died out . The show *** ... anyway ... have a nice dream tonight . bye .

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

wow ~!

Sheryl is the third from the left !She is my friend !! ^^( I'm so sorry sheryl .. but you won't allow me to take your photo !!)
I went to this website yesterday and saw alot to La Corda D'oro things there !! By the way , it was said that there is going to be a La Corda D'oro DVD coming out soon !!YAY ! i am so going to buy it . Today was pretty boring because i needed to stay back and well... practise for the upcoming Literature play and it is 20% of my whole common test ! I must work hard because I didn't do well for that common test paper ... >.< !! *depressed*... Oh yeah ! I just wrote a composition on the title : snow . It is a story about the last time i saw snow and i guess that it was pretty sad bacause it was quite bloody . I intend to extend it to a longer version but because it is just a short composition , well.. i guess that i can't make it long . Do you wanna know what happened during the reherasal today ? well... my role was Carol , and sheryl is my brother in the play ... it seems that we are the main characters in the whole play ! Well... my favourite part was when we both appear infront of our "mother" ( who was acted by Diana )and we had our bums hitting each other's ! It was so funny with the sound effect "BOING!" haha ! It sounded like two ball colliding with each other . Well anyway .. there is the link to the La Cora D'oro website :

Monday, May 12, 2008

♪Being Royality is just soo..DUH~!♪

Haha ... just kidding . Life is now peace and nice because exams are over !But i will miss D.gray-Man this week due to the Sec 1 Discovery Camp ~!!! WAHH ... My D.Gray-Man ! Lets just face the fact ... not everything goes as you planned . Ahh... well ... I can't believe that my mother actually went to Takashimaya to buy me the book i wanted ... What Great Motherly Love . Hey... Guess what i gave her for Mothers' Day ? A Pink Carnation ! Flower prices are shooting up .... Sigh... By the way , i just rearraged my bookshelf again because of the new mangas which i bought ... now , i have around 85 mangas !! Yay ! But my target is 100 ... lets see ... still long way to go but my bookshelf is already three-quarters full !!! Nevermind ... the most is i shift them or build a house with them ... Maybe next time i can bulid a double deck with them because the previous house i build is a Japanese Bungalo . So .. lets end today ... BYe ~!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Melody of Panic !!

AHHH!!!!~~~ Ehem....Hello again . Sorry for the dely of post ... Lim wei , i am sure you are em.. happy ??? Anyway , EXAMS ROCKS ! Yeah ! We get extra periods and all ! And i am getting over the moon these days ~>.< Anyway ... i still need to do a St john presentation and all the stuff !!!!!! I WANNA DIE .... there is some stupid error in the blog !!! FUSTRATING !!!