Sunday, May 24, 2009


hiZ ! It was such a while since i updated this thingy . Was rather occupied with stuffs like exams ... ... Sorry about the music anyways ... ... I will fix it ASAP !

Yay ! I have finished my exam and i can funally continue on my Fanfic on LA Corda D'oro !~♥ Sooo Happy ! This week , I have received many Blows for my results and Achivements beyond school !! YAy ! 1) I got promoted in SJAB ! To Coporal(I dunno how 2 spell !) ! second , I passed my Japanese test ! ! Woot★! Yesterday , i had SJAB , ANCO Camp . It was SCARY !!!!! OMG ! Its like anyone in the Whole call can be THE CAMP IC ! AND ANYONE IN THE GROUP CAN BE THE GROUP IC ! AND IT CHANGES !!!!!! AH!!! *Shivering in my pants* ! OMG . And they also group you into different ppl from different schools . T_T" And , you got many many many projects to do and many tests to study ! OMG ! And i still got this major test on JULY !!!!! I WANNA CRY ! ! !

About some leisure stuffs , I just finished the S.A manga as well ! So sad ! ! The ending was so niceeeeeee~~♫♫♥♥ !! SOooo Romanticccc! !! >.< Kei was so nice ~! ♥

ANyways , That's all Folks !


Sei YIn !

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