Monday, March 30, 2009

Love within my world of Fear .

Haha .. .. i think that the title is a bit .. ... too exaggerative . But ah well , sorry for not updating. Many many things happened and i am going to tell you the most interesting of them . Last week , Students from the Singapore Piaget Academy came to our school to study for a week ! (Boys are included !) Okay , throughout that week , i made a lot of new friends like , Angie , Celine, Natasya .. ... I also got to know some other people but i am not quite familiar with them so ... ... i will just list their names okay ? Okay , erm ... ... They are kelvin , Edward and ... ... i forgot the rest but they are the ones whom i , at the very lease know their names . You may ask this : Among the boys , who is the most Handsome ? In my opinon , i think that that would be ... ... EDWARD !Yay Congratulations ! Okay but it kind of depends of what type of guys you like but i like those with the 'gentle' type of looks so ... .. although there is also the 'cool' type <--- that guy has spiky hair . But i think Edward looks the most decent . Okay , It seems that he likes lady-like girls . Here is the situation : He was studying in 2.1 during that week and that in the middle of the week , he feedbacked to the teacher that the girls in 2.1 are not lady-like . Which i guess is true . Instead , i agree that the WHOLE school isn't lady-like enough. They can Scream at the top of their voices ! They can Sit like MEN !! They can actually sit with their legs at the 180 degrees ANGLE !!!!!!!!! Can you believe it ? Even the prefrects cannot behave themselves ! (In my opinon but although only some of them are like that because those in my class ARE like that .) Okay , so anyway , because of that 'feedback' the girls in 2.1 didn't really like edward . Well ... ... not like he like them a lot anyway . But yeah . I think that the school should reflect on that because even the guys who went to the class 2.4 says this the moments he stepped into the class : You people are so uncivilised . And guess what ?! They can still feel angry about it !Well ... .. okay if someone says that you are uncivilised , naturally that you will be angry but you should also think about why did they say that of you . Okay , anyway , I heard that people confessed to Edward and i was like : OMG . But his response according to what i HEARD from some other people was : Crazy ! No sense . I think that he is right . I was quite nuts to so but i think that he could at lease decline their feeling in a more gentle way because i think that the girls took a lot of courage to do so . Even i , haven't got the courage to do that , being afraid that he might reject me . -.- YOU GALS ARE THE BRAVEST GALS I HAVE SEEN ! I THANK YOU FOR YOUR COURAGE ! Okay , enough of that . they already went back to solo , indonesia . BUT I WILL MISS MY FRIENDS ! DON'T FORGET ME OKAy ? ANGIE ! CELINE !!!! AND FINALLY .... EDWARD . okay that was a bit random .

Lets go to the next big event of the week : ST JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE ZONAL FIRST AID COMPETITION ! YAY ! Before the day of the competition , we stayed at Jaime mdm's house . Let me tell you . Although she stayed in a terrace like me , but her house is at lease 10 times nice than mine ! I seriously looked like a hostel ! ! ! And she lived so near me ! for all these years , i never noticed ! okay , on that day , it was sports day and it was the last day i saw my indonesian friends ( i bought hair rubber bands for the girls , from a provision shop . I was a little cheapo of me so i changed it into a very cute bag XD in case you didn't know , they are all VERY VERY VERY rich people . They can affort to carry pouches that cost $300 ) okay , so after sports day , i walked home . I packed the things i want to bring to Jaime mdm's house . After packing , i left the house to buy presents ! ( There was a gift exchange at night ) I bought Isabel a treble clef necklace ! It cost around $10 but it looked really elegant . I really liked it but i gave it to her because i think she deserved it , for being such a great team leader . ^^ Next , i gave Kah Min a nice furry Korean pouch ! I think it cost around .. ... $5-8 ( i wasn't very sure of the price . But i think that the pouch will help her look much more faminine . For Chin Wei , i got her an ice-cream mirror ! I think that it would really suit her ! It was really cute ! At the back of the ice-cream , is the mirror . while the ice-cream stick is the comb ! so if you pull out the stick , There comes out the comb ! ! ! Cute isn't it ? It cost about $5 ? i think . Then for sherlyn , I got her a notebook that cost $6-8 . I wasn't quite sure of the price again . And finally for Jaime mdm , I got her a $10 white wallet !!! YAY ! It looked really elegant and i think it went really well with Jaime Mdm !! >.< Okay , so after i bought the presents , i went to the meeting place ( I was supposed to meet the whole NC2 before meeting Jaime mdm) and met Isabel and Kah min . BUT ! chin wei was Late !! so we kinda freaked for a while but she arrived in the end . So , we went to NTUC to meet Jaime Mdm . Then when we are there , we bought the lunch we were supposed to eat the next day - bread , cheese and Ham . Yeah , we also bought 500ml of water for the first aid case tomorrow (Isabel commended that Jaime mdm looked like an auntie when holding the shopping basket . i was like : XD LOLS !!) Later , we went back to the meeting place ( heartland mall) to buy new hair clips , hair nets etc for our competition . so i was like -.-" can't we just go to cold storage ? Lols , after buying 10 packets of hairpin , 6 packets of hair nets , we went to watsons to buy a tube of hairgel ( allthough we have alrady bought 1 tub but it is not enough !) After buying everything , we went to Jaime mdm's house when Chin wei went for her church . So we went to her house . We ate dinner , and i found hair in my fish noodles ( i think it is either armpit hair or pubic hair .) so i think that it is gross because i ate like , 9.5/10 of the whole thing . so it was like sick ! There was a lot of laughter on the dinner table . When we finished the 'disgusting' dinner , we studied a bit .... ... while jaime mdm polished our boots . We then brushed our teeth at the toilet when we realised something : There is only 2 mirrors in the whole house . The toilet at the third level . OMG ! i just wrote finish everything nicely !!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid computer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lols anyway , we won . ai ya sorry but i don't bother anymore . the thing that i have been typing for hours is gone . anyway , i cried , everyone cried . ^^ so there was love . I HUGGED ISABEL !! YAY ! -.- lol .

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

BOred !~!

Hello ! I am bored ! BIG RICE BALL FOR U ! I ate reeally a lot today ! 3 fish , crab , jellies , chocolates an apple for Dinner ! Now , i am doing my homework ! Tired ... ... Seriously , i think that i am gonna die tomorrow . We are getting 3 PAPERS BACK !!!! And 2 of them include MAth and PHYSICS !!!! THE ONES THAT I AM AFRAID MOST ! I have no idea whether will my heart take the shock . I might just faint on the spot . Seriously , i just went out on monday to celebrate Ka****'s birthday and i totally spent a bomb . around $20 ? and i was like bloated after the expensive lunch i ate . The later , we went to take neoprints ! YAY ! All of us except L* To** ! She didn't go ! AHHHH!!!!! Next outing will be on L* To**'s birthday which will be after the mid years , follwed by j* **'s birthday party ! then will be me and ni**** ! ^^ tanoshii ! >.< PRESENTS ! hehe .... .... OH i will need to polish my boots tomorrow ! This week is full u ! YAY ! I love my full u ! okay gtg do my hw and redo my art ( WAHH !!) bye bye !